Old Timey Newspapers -- My Go To For Research
S ince having discovered access to old newspapers on microfiche through a fellow historical society board member and friend, I've found a wealth of information to questions I've been wondering about regarding my novel-in-progress, Lake One . Answers to those questions and those I hadn't even asked yet. Let me tell you, those old newspapers are a historical writer's jackpot. And one of the best parts about this discovery is that they are located at the library the next town over (about eleven miles) so I have easy access to them. The rolls are put on a scanner that's hooked up to a computer and I can save whole pages or just sections of a page into files on a thumb drive. Love it! The newspapers are pretty fun to read too. The vernacular of the day, as I've heard it described, was salty and quite humorous, depending on the story. They would take, for instance, an incident that did not go so well for a fella, he hiring a moody horse and cutter to go ...