
Showing posts from 2019

The End

Y es, I had finally reached the end. Back on the 18th. I'm a little late with the announcement (not that anyone reads this blog), but I finally did it after nearly six years of on and (mostly) off writing this novel. It is not done, there's much editing and research and filling of gaps to do, but I reached the end of the novel and I'm glad but sad at the same time. The editing process has already began and I hope to get it into the hands of betas by summer, and while that's happening begin with the torturous task of writing a query letter.

1929 Apex Radio

J ust sharing photos of a 1929 Apex radio I picked up a couple of years ago because I thought it was cool. It doesn't work, and I don't have the money right now to have it restored to working order at the moment, but hopefully in the future I will. Most of the inside parts are there, the power supply I was told is shot. I don't know if it is fixable, I know nothing about old radios, but what I do know about old electronics is DO NOT TURN THEM ON WITHOUT HAVING THEM SERVICED FIRST OR THEY MAY FRY! Anyway, the radio:  The receiver is on the top, the power supply on the bottom. This was done like this for one year only, 1929. That's how I know the year. It was unusual to have the power supply separate from the rest of the chassis. Original plug and wire has seen better days. The cabinet is in great shape. There's a glass ring on top and some nicks on the corners, and the speaker mesh is stained and has a couple of holes, but for the age it...


I 'm stuck, ladies and gents. I've been working on this epilogue for a month, off and on, now, and I keep thinking this isn't how I want to go with it. I almost have it done, but I've hit the wall, because I know something isn't clicking. I know in my subconscious this isn't how I want it to end. So now, for the last week I've written nothing. I thought to write the different endings I have in mind and pick whichever seems better, but I can't even do that. So what I need to do, I believe, is to start from the beginning, finish up my odds and ends I got stuck on that I skipped over, and hopefully by the end I'll have it figured out. I think I may know the problem, especially with the version of the ending I've started on and have yet to finish. It's with Josef. I've made him soft . He's not soft. He's an asshole. With a soft spot for Millie, and that's about it. So if I go back to the beginning and read through...

Happy Birthday, Nashville, Michigan!

Y ou did it, Nashville! You made it 150 years! And to celebrate, some of the locals made birthday cake to be passed out via local restaurants and the Putnam District Library. My hometown turns 150 today; here's to 150 more! And from August 2-4, the village will have its celebration with all sorts of events and dedications and a parade and fireworks and things going on. It'll be the most exciting thing to happen in this village since it broke the Guinness World Record for world's longest ice cream sundae in 2016 (and got beaten a couple of years later--we'll be back!). Have souvenir spoon, will eat ice cream. And guess what? I'm nearing the end of writing the first draft of Lake One. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm still working on it. 5 1/2 years later. BUT! I am on the last chapter, with an epilogue and some bits and pieces I skipped left to write. For much of the last year I didn't write squat, but the start of this year I've really been hustling to...